
Software Engineer
Game Developer
AI Enthusiast


Junior Software Engineer

Bindulogic Limited

Leading a small team of developers on a project designed for educational institutions based on legacy codebase.

Refactored legacy codebase to increase modularity and solved existing issues.

Restructured 4 modules and implemented 8+ new modules to address specific requirements.

Co-designed database schema and API in NestJs and Prisma.

Worked with agile development methods.

Reviewed code on github based on company defined conventions.

Worked on multiple projects as a full stack developer.

Implemented a template managing module using state management from Redux-toolkit.

Software Engineering Intern

Bindulogic Limited

Worked on BinduHealth as a full stack developer.

Worked on implementing new features in prescription module.

Reported 3+ issues and provided them with optimal solutions.

Created 3 core reusable components along with documentation.

Conducted R&D on International Classification of Diseases - 11 API

Created a Scraper Script to scrape, flatten and format the ICD codes to as per the requirement.

Implemented database seeders that seeds information for the ICD codes into the database.


HtmlCSSJavaScriptReactReduxTailwind CSS
NestJSNode JSPythonTypeScriptGitMongoDBPostgresReact

Let's Get in Touch

Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or just want to say hi!