Junior Software Engineer
Bindulogic Limited
Leading a small team of developers on a project designed for educational institutions based on legacy codebase.
Refactored legacy codebase to increase modularity and solved existing issues.
Restructured 4 modules and implemented 8+ new modules to address specific requirements.
Co-designed database schema and API in NestJs and Prisma.
Worked with agile development methods.
Reviewed code on github based on company defined conventions.
Worked on multiple projects as a full stack developer.
Implemented a template managing module using state management from Redux-toolkit.
Software Engineering Intern
Bindulogic Limited
Worked on BinduHealth as a full stack developer.
Worked on implementing new features in prescription module.
Reported 3+ issues and provided them with optimal solutions.
Created 3 core reusable components along with documentation.
Conducted R&D on International Classification of Diseases - 11 API
Created a Scraper Script to scrape, flatten and format the ICD codes to as per the requirement.
Implemented database seeders that seeds information for the ICD codes into the database.